Our process engineers and materials research scientists support next generation process and materials development. CVD Materials provides contract development services for emerging materials.
CVD Materials Corporation offers one, two, and three dimensional (1D, 2D, and 3D) nanomaterials of various types, demonstrating unique properties. These nanomaterials find widespread applications in catalysis, energy harvesting, energy storage, MEMS, electronics devices, and sensors to name a few. Our high purity, bulk compound semiconductor materials are now available and anticipated to drive the next generation of high efficiency power electronics components.
Utilizing CVD’s FirstNano® EasyTube® systems, precise control of CNT properties can be obtained including height, density diameter, and alignment. In addition, CVD Materials can provide single-walled, double-walled, few-walled, and multi-walled CNTs. Advances in process control enable unique carbon composite structures and properties which can be tailored to yield desired mechanical and electrical properties.